Here is a listing of some of the herbs we offer. 

basil aristotle
basil british
Basil Bonsai
basil custom blend
basil dolce everleaf
basil dolce fresca
basil dolce vita
basil mini windowbox
basil napoletano
basil newton 
basil red freddy
basil thai
basil try basil
Basil, Everleaf Emerald Towers  
borage blue
borage white
chives garlic
chives onion
chives schoenopras
cilantro sabor
cilantro selection
dill bouquet
Dill Greensleeves
dill fernleaf
dill mammoth
dill tetra
fennel antares
fennel florence
Lavandula angustifolia, Munstead ApeX 
Lavandula stoechas, Bandera Mix 
lavender hyssop
Lavandula stoechasBandera Purple
lemon balm
lemon grass
Mentha Chocolate
Mentha Ginger
Mentha Mojito
Mentha Spearmint
Mentha Suaveolens Pineapple Mint
Oregano Greek
Oregano Italian
oregeno hot/spicy
oregeno regular
parsley curled
Parsley, Dark Green Italian 
rosemary 1 gallon 
rosemary arp
rosemary barbeque
rosemary huntington
rosemary spice island
sage officinalis sp
Salvia Officinalis Tricolor Sage
Thyme English
Thyme Golden Lemon
thyme orange
herb lavender annet
herb lavender hidcote blue
herb lavender munstead
Herb Oregano Pizza Night
Herb Rosemary Roasting
Herb Rosemary Shish Kabob
Herb Sage Wise Old
Herb Thyme For Everything
 Thyme Pizza Thyme